Foodie Heaven: What to Eat in San Sebastian

Old Town lined with bars and bars of pintxos and vino

Did you know that San Sebastian is now one of my favourite European cities. Well, you do now!

Why? Because it is a hidden gem for food, sun, and sea. Food most importantly, of course.

I came back from San Sebastian having learnt two words in Basque – pintxos (obviously), which is the Basque take on Spanish tapas; and eskerrik asko, thank you in Basque (you can pronounce this by saying “as-scaredy-cats-go” really fast).

Fun fact: the difference between tapas and pintxos is the stick / toothpick that pintxos are usually served with. Traditionally, after eating, payment is to be made upon counting number of total sticks, though nowadays this is mostly served by bartenders instead.

Either way, pintxos itself should be enough of a reason why you should open up a new tab to book a flight there right now. Typically, each pintxos is €2, and a glass of rioja is a little less. Bargain.

Additionally, each pintxos bar usually has their own specialty, and it’d be a crime to miss out on those, so no matter how strange or weird it might look or sound – walk in, order, eat, drink, rejoice!

Let’s begin with my most favourite place of all time.

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